February Sashiko Stitch Challenge
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Hana Fukin PDF - 9 Hitomezashi Patterns

$7 | PDF Download
This PDF booklet includes instructions and details for how to stitch nine different hitomezashi patterns - a perfect accompaniment to the workshop!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xFebruary Sashiko Stitch Challenge$11

All prices in USD

From our 2024 Challenge...

"I've always loved embroidery but felt that it wasn't very useful other than for decoration. However after discovering Zen Stitching I've changed my mindset totally. Thank you for helping me get back to stitching."

- Gina Lee

"I can call myself a Sashiko stitcher now. I loved this challenge. Time simply got away from me because of my "beginner-ness" of making the grids and getting started each day. But, yayyy. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!"

- Caryla Chambers

"It’s great! Makes me get out of bed in the morning!!"

- Julia Manitius
